Assalamualaikum wr.wb
This is one of My Part in My University Obligation, we as the 6-7 grade semester, must following this instruction from superiors to Join KKN, KKN is Real College Work (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) here. Its very great moment that I can join this. My experience being increased after following the same things or having similiar condition Like this. But the different things we must Devoted to the surrounding communities in one of Village to practice the science that I had to the Communities around there.
In there, we make like Inspiration Classes, To present and provide encouragement to them. That we must having a big Dream with proceed to a higher level education.
We must realize that many peoples have limited education until or pass by just in the Junior High School (SMP) or SMA (Senior High School).
Here that we motivate them to get or make their dreams comes true :)
and there are so many our Work Programs Like we teach in one of School in Bogor, im forget to mention should I mention the name of the Village that I have stayed ? :P I think its not Good. So I just mention the name one of School in Bogor that is Al-Ijtihad School. There , there are SMP, SMA and SMK, we teach in there in differents subject :P as my self I teach English Subject -_- Pffttt *Speechless.
------> I dont have any passion here, I meant coz only my english is not Good :( you know that my English Language is so bad huhu. (Even I have fall in Love with this Language coz with language I can open the Window of The world :D yuhuuuuuuuuuuu ) But I tried my Best Alhamdulillah :D even the result is not Good too haha , the most important thing that I have passed loooooool :D. (But i cant deny that I miss that moment.
Once, when the last meeting, one of my friends (names Wafa) She is good in English. She entered to the class, then I felt (Dag Dig Dur) Coz I cant Explain it as well >:( (Ahh sooo sad :( ) I become Silent *Stupid Girl
and another my best Experience is I teach young Children.
its very good experince for me masya Allah ^^ here I felt closer to Allah :)
u know what I mean ? when I listened to them, Im very shy that I cant read Holy Qur'an as well with beautiful Recited uwwwwww. Its very nice masya Allah!
I Used my friend's Camdig (Nova) I took the pictures of them ;)
The first picture is who wore the Chocolate's one is Hendry, then beside Him is Farhan He very smart in Plays marawis Tools, Hendry too but of course both of them are having a beautiful Voice and talent in Islamic. Is there anyone who doesnt know about Marawis ?
here I can explain for you that I took from Wikipedia :P
Marawis is one type of "band pat" with percussion as the main instrument. The music is a collaboration between the Middle East and Betawi arts, and has a strong religious element. It was reflected in the lyrics of many songs which are sung the praise and love of the Creator. Marawis art comes from middle eastern countries, especially from Yemen.
and The second Pict is who looking at you in the pict , his name is Raja :P, and there are so many young chidren there.
I felt that its very quickly to put an end to this all. Want again and again to teach them!
May Allah bless them and always guide us to the Straight path.
When we fall in Love with Allah the Worlds into Jannah masya Allah :)
Its not me Who took this Picture maybe my another Friend. (Nova)
Its the first time when we attended the Opening Recitation.
I think that is enough maybe we can continuing later ? :) Insya Allah..
Salam xx
Stay blessed.