Assalamualaikum wr.wb
now we can see and realize that Qiyamah the day or the last day when all people in this world will be judge by Allah is comes <3so u should and hv to keep ur Iman and increase ur Deen that ll be so helful for u ;)) insya Allah amiin3x ;DD but Before i continue to u that who Is the true Dajjal I got recommanded from my Brother to watch the Documenter movie from The arrival and all the team. and who hv this movie is Noreaga & Achernahr. they are really so great kkkkk I love
Noreaga Mr.Abdullah Haseem woww masya Allah :DD hahahahaha :DD
here i hv printed screen his pict ehehehe
Although the Qur'an was protected by God's authority as previsiously explained,
Islam has been heavily infiltrated in the days of past,and continues to be infiltrated today from outside and from inside (within)
The family of the Prophet(pbuh), are made up primarily of 4 originals members are
1. Imam Ali
2. Fatima Al-Zahra
3. Imam Hassan
4. Imam Hussein
and 8 succeeding Imams is totalling 12 Imams
so The Dajjal and the Mahdi are almost here so we hv to expose the truth, do u know its simply a coincidence that many dont know what has happened to the decedents of the prophet?
Remember this is how the truth is treated on earth?
There ll be after me 12 Amir(Prince/Ruler), all of them Quraysh."
5. Imam Zaynul Abadein
6. Muhammad Al-Baqier
7. Ja'far As-Sadiq
8. Musa Al-Kadhim
9. Ali-Al-Ridho
10. Muhammad Al-Jawad
11.Hasan Al-Askari
12.Muhammad Al-mahdi
Now hv u prepared for his arrival ? Imam Mahdi ll take the fight to the Zionist/Iluminate movement and He takes the war to the Dajjal in preparation for Jesus' return.
Do u know the story of Horus?
Horus Born on Dec 25th born or a virgin star in the east adored by 3kings teacher at 12 baptized/ministry at 30 and hv 12 disciples, Horus performed Miracles "Lamb of God/ The Light" Crucified dead for 3 days ressurected. But wait that story sounds a bit familiar with the Jesus Christ,
Jesus Christ was bor of a virgin on dec 25th star in the east 12 diciples performer miracled dead dead for 3 days ressurected and resurrected. Does this mean that Jesus was a myth just as Horus was ? Th truth of course has been hidden. The previous excerp was taken from the film Zeitgeist. The maker of which, while covering truth came to the conclusion that Jesus and most religious figures were nothing but myth,Falling right into the hands of the very people who applied these myths in the first time. This is one of Zetgeist Mistakes.
So Jesus(Pbuh) in the english name and Isa As in the Islamic name was in fact a living breathing prophet who spread the message of One God.
But why the fabricate the story ? and why hv they based the story of Jesus on Horus ? so Dark is the con of People.
And what else do we know bout Horus ?
After Horus's father Osirir was murderer by his brother set. Horus fought with Set of the throne of Egypt, Th fight resulted in One of Horus's eyes becoming injured. Then, Horus won the battle and become "One-Eyed God". He was eventually merged with Ra to become Ra-Horakhty, The ruler of all Egypt.
So Ra-Horakhty become interpreted as the onee God for Egyptians and all other gods were just different aspect of this one god and thus the One eyed Sun God was reffered to as the "son of God", the light of the world", and "The ruler of All".
If the true Jesus is fabrication based in the worship of the sun, how ll we recognize the true Jesus?
The true Strory of Jesus "The Son of Mary"
One day Gabriel (Jibril) archangel of God appeared before Mary(Maryam) and told her that God had willed her to be the mother of a great prophet. Fear struck her at the image of the angel, and she asked how she can be get a son when no man had touched her?
Gabriel told her not to be afraid, and trust in God, the creator of All things. Jesus's arrival was already "decreed" as a "sign for mankind" and a "Mercy from God". As suck, gabriel breathed into her a fraction of God's spirit (as is done to All who are conceived) and He left. Gabriel didnt appear before her again untill the day Jesus was born.
During mid-August Mary had left her home and made her way into desert wehe she gave birth to Jesus(Isa). She started going into labor under a palm tree she had stopped at rest under.Then gabriel appeared again. He offered her comfort, told her to shake the palm tree so that ripe dates would fall for her. He pointed out to her a stream that God created by her side so that she may drink (Zamzam which the water go out from the desert) then Our Beloved Isa(Jesus)was born. Gabriel informed here, were she to see anyone, to say! "Verily i hv vowed a fast unto the most beneficent so I shall not speakto any human this day".
He told her to say nothing when the people woul ask about the baby, but to point at the babyinstead, who will talk on her behalf.
They said : Oh Mary or Maryam! you hv brought a thing unheard of! Your father was not an adulterer nor your mother an unchaste woman!.
As they continued to accuse her of committing adultery, she did as instructed and pointed at baby Jesus. Laughing they started "how can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?"
And then, Jesus (pbuh) Isa As, only a few hours old, spoke
"Verily! Iam a worshipper of Allah he has given me the scripture (Injil) and made me a Prophet. And he has made blessed wheresoever I be. and has enjoined on me Prayer, and Charity, as long as I live. and has made ne dutiful to my Mother and made me not arrogant and Peace be upon me the day I was born, and the day I die and the day I shall be raised alive (Hari dimana aku dihidupkan Kembali) The Noble Qur'an 3:45-48.
The mahdi is near
He will begin a path of justice
A path only can complete
"The world ll be placed beneath his feet, His eyes will see the distance". Prophet Muhammad
When the enemy of God |(Dajjal) sees him, He (Dajjal) Shall dissolve like Salt in the water -Prophet Muhammad Shahih Muslim
"The Son of Mary ll soon descend upon you a just King" Prophet Muhammad Shahih Muslim and Bukhori
"Then Prophet Jesus(Isa) would come to a people whom God has protected from the Dajjal. He would then wipe(the trace of Hardship from) their faces and tell them their ranks in Paradise"
-Prophet Muhammad, Sunan Ibn Majah
Imam Mahdi ll be the one to Identify as a true Messiah Together they join Forces and The AntiChrist Dajjal Finally know the truth There is No GOD and ONLY ONE GOD and Moses (Musa), Jesus (Isa) and Muhammed are the final messenger of God .
Imam mahdi ll never claim to be the Messiah or the Christ, Therefore if u believed suck deception from noq, how will you stand against the Dajjal himself? If you follow a moderate path of faith study the signs,and prepare yourself mentally phisically and spiriyually then Insya Allah(God Willing) you ll be able to recognize the Dajjal very clearly. Then Allah sent him (Jesus) he was sent as the true messiah witha mission to rule the world from Jerussalem, from Holy Israel.
And since the Dajjal ll impersonate Jesus,even with his special miracles and powers.
So where do u thin that the Dajjal ll come to rule from ?
AMERICA AND ISRAEL the throne has been set up in none other than ISRAEL!
and he will be welcomed by All the corrupt leaders and powers of the world to lead the "One world Goverment".
There ll be many Many false Mahdi claims,but none of them ll be the Dajjal and dont say we didnt warn you against your own extremist teachers whether you r muslim, christian or jew!
Only the true moderate and wise followers of their faith ll be the one fighting against the Dajjal.
The speedy and peacefull dismantlement of Israel!
Divide and Conquer is the game of the zionist, to keep us at each others necks, as they prepared for the Arrival of The Antichris Dajjal.
So therefore all the extremists are playing to this agenda and that goes for all you muslims sects within sects as well !
All the signs are being fulfilled! and let it be known that as our puppets leaders passively observe the cruelty of what is taking place in our world
The bloodline of The Prophets are preparing for The Arrivals. They are leading the resistance against The Dajjal's zionist project
They hv built the army of Mahdi
An army which threatens the existence of the zionist of Israel a Sign for those who know the sign
Could the prophesized "Yemeni(Yaman)" already be here?
Sayid Hassan Nasrallah Speech Directed at Israel!
Pidato Sayid Hassan Nasrullay untuk Israe2008
Oh you Zionist!
Oh you Murderers
Oh you Rapists
By God I swear
In the coming war
We Shall confront You
in A manner you never witnessed
in Your entire Existence
Oh you Murderers
Oh you Rapists
By God I swear
In the coming war
We Shall confront You
in A manner you never witnessed
in Your entire Existence
The Arrivals
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